For the 80th Jubilee of the Pipi-Stop (2012)

A book for children, T-shirts, a new web-site and a technological innovation

Since 1932 we have been treating successfully children who wet their bed, using a behavioural therapy with our alarm-systems

The Pipi-Stop (patented by Ernst Bieri, the inventor, under the name AntiNass) is a Swiss product which is improved regularly. Our motto: offering the best possible service to the parents of bedwetting children with a high-quality device at the top of progress.

For the 80th jubilee of the Pipi-Stop we developed a vibrating wristband. Our web-site was thouroughly redesigned in 4 languages.  The contents of our pages have been completed and broadened, in order to inform even better the parents of enuretic children. We also edited a book for children and provide T-shirts for you.

Do not hesitate to contact us in order to solve your problem of enuresis. We will be at your side, so that your child also can be healed from this illness and gain back self-confidence.

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